Our Mission

Genesis is a Spirit-led community committed to inviting our neighbors to be transformed into the image of Christ by the irresistible love of God.


Our Faith

We are centered in the Person of Jesus Christ:

·      His life reveals God’s ultimate goal for all humanity.

·      His sacrificial death provides a full pardon for all who trust in Him.

·      His bodily resurrection offers abundant & eternal life for all who receive Him.

·      His teachings reveal how to live in healthy relationship with God and others.

o   We aim to live as He lived and love as He loves.

We are reliant on the Holy Spirit, who:

·      Dwells in those who have received Christ.

·      Leads us into greater understanding of truth.

·      Provides us with strength and gifts to do God’s will.

Fills us with God’s Presence when our hearts are open.

We are guided by Holy Scripture, which is:

·      A unified story that points all people to Jesus Christ.

·      The written revelation of God’s unchanging character and will for all humanity.

·      The final authority on all matters related to faith and its practice.

We are rooted in the historic Christian faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and reflected in the ancient creeds of the Church:

·      The Apostles Creed

·      The Nicene Creed

We are Wesleyan in accent, honoring the stream of Christian faith from which we were born, the Methodist movement started by John & Charles Wesley, which is best articulated by a theme of grace flowing in three ways:

o   God’s Pursuit of every living soul.

o   God’s Justification of those who turn to Him in repentance.

o   God’s Sanctification of those who are committed to follow Christ.

“In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity”


Core Values


We welcome all who come our way believing that it is God who has sent them to us. Our Wesleyan heritage teaches us that God is actively working in the life of every person – drawing them to Jesus Christ for the purpose of redeeming and restoring their lives. We consider every person who comes to us a gift from God and an opportunity to encounter God through welcoming them.


We have experienced God’s grace in abundance, so we freely give all that we can to all who come our way. Generosity is a chief characteristic of God, therefore God’s people will be generous when they are in right relationship with Him. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give”.  The best evidence of God being at work in our lives is when we are self-giving.  The process of true conversion is movement from more receiving to more giving.


We are all on a journey of transformation, so we permit people to be real in their pursuit of God. Following the lead of Jesus, who called imperfect people to follow Him and gave space for them to be transformed in the process, we seek to cultivate a judgment-free culture which allows people to grow at their own pace. The gospel message is about a journey, not a destination – it is about a process, not an event.


We are all created in the image of God, therefore each person has inherent value and should be treated as such! In a culture that uses labels to group people together into stereotypes, we seek to restore personhood to people. We reject the groupings of “us” and “them” and instead embrace the truth of every person’s inherent value.  The God who knows each of us by name calls us to honor His image, scarred as it may be, in every person.  In this way, we will restore dignity not rob it.


We are committed to helping all who come our way experience a life of true liberty from the tyranny of sin. We are convinced that the gospel message is more than forgiveness of sin and the assurance of heaven.  God’s promise is not only of eternal life but also of abundant life.  That life of abundance is discovered as we allow God to break the cycles of sin in our lives and empower us to rise above the painful and disappointing circumstances of our past.